Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ce frumos e când ajungi la niște concluzii înainte ca ele să-ți fie inoculate de alții

Ce frumos e când ajungi la niște concluzii înainte ca ele să-ți fie inoculate de alții, și astfel să nu te mai poți gândi că de fapt ele nu sunt ale tale!


"Your society and the people around you are constantly feeding you illusional beliefs. Everywhere you go you are bombarded by false realities. Every person you come into contact with, except for a small select few working toward physical ascension, are accepting false realities and want you to accept them as well. Why? Because people have a need to be right. And the thought form, the need to be right, causes humans to want to spread their ill philosophies as well as their good, sound philosophies.

Human beings have become people with a need to be right, whereas the people in my culture realized that they had to develop the exact opposite in order to learn more and to ascend into a Physical Reality Body. You must want to find out the areas where you are wrong. You must really love being wrong. Yes, you need to be happy whenever you are proven wrong and you learn the truth about something. If you cannot give up your thought form, the need to be right, you can never learn a real truth, only those truths you cling to so that you are never wrong in your own mind. Give up your need to be right. If you wish to ascend you must be wrong.

There are so many false beliefs that you are clinging to because you are sure that they are good, true and/or right. But maybe you cannot know everything from this Earth angle you are seeing everything from and if you will give up your need to know everything and to be right about everything and to know more than everyone else, you will really learn something."

Dar poate că ideea mi s-a inoculat prin alte metode, și deci tot nu vine din lăuntrul meu, deci trebuie să mă îndoiesc chiar și de ideea asta, dar nu aș face decât să urmez sfatul ideei de mai sus, care inițial era rodul propriilor mele gânduri.

Dar ca o conlcluzie peste tot, nu conteaza ce urmezi sau ce pui la îndoială, pentru că oricum urmezi un tipar indus, fie că vrei, fie că nu vrei. Iar ca o concluzie în ceea ce mă privește, nu mă deranjează să urmăresc tipare sau să le refuz, mă deranjează doar că omenirea nu poate exista decât raportat la ele.

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